Sunday, January 25, 2009

Closing Short DAX Position

We closed the open short Dax position 19Jan @ 4451. Unfortunately our stop profit order was triggered and we locked-in 98 points on that trade. We profit we made is 392. For the moment we do not expect other signals on the VBT Model.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

**Fixed Income Strategizer**- USD 10 Year Yield

  • 1998 low was 106 basis points lower than 1993

  • 2003 low was 102 basis points lower than 1998

  • 2008 low was 103 basis points lower than 2003

5 year cycle low? Too early to say yet, but that is definitely a possibility.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Performance Report VBT Model

Total # of trades 45 ( 30 long/ 15 short)
Percent Profitable 71,1%
Average Winning Trade 2346.1
Average loosing Trade 1797.4
Largest loosing Trade 8514
Maximum Drawdown 9070.9
Return on Max. Drawdown 570,1%

Performance VBT Model since 1992

VBT DAX open short position

This short position was opend the 8Dec08. We sell 4 CFDs @ 4549. The dynamic stop loss is for the moment above 5500.